1. Use ftp to place disk and etc folder under M501's root directory(/). 2. Plug USB 3G modem into the unit. 3. Enter the following commands in Matrix: a. chmod +x /disk/init-3g.sh b. /disk/init-3g.sh c. chmod +x /etc/gprscmd d. /etc/gprscmd 3g 4. Test connect. ######################################################## Remarks: a. Update kernel when the following message pops up while running /disk/init-3g.sh: insmod: cannot insert `usbserial.ko': File exists (-1): File exists b. Modify the AT+CPIN parameters under etc/ppp/chats/3g-connect if the SIM card requires PIN code. c. Artila products now support "Huawei E169", "Huawei E169u" and "Alcatel x200" USB 3G Modem.